27 October, 2006

oh me oh my darts

ok i have now joined a dart legue with djw which is a lot of fun but i got to eat food before i go though i got way to puddlefied that night and started talking stupid to some one i think but i don't remember very much so soda untill later or got to eat before i go. lol but i hope this will get me out of my funk it prob. will. i got a second job now and it is alright but it is too disoranized for me though i don't know how long it will last. oh well who knows anything right?
i will talk to you all later look for more post on dart nights...

23 October, 2006

yeah for me

Ok i am turning in to djw sorry don't mean it in a bad way but i got myself in to a funk that i just can't get out of. I don't wanna date anyone right now it just makes me relize relationships are not my thing so i give up on it. i just need to be a hermit for awhile not go out to the bar and not try so hard for people to be my friends. if they want to be there as a friend they will right i am just being dumb

yep yep

19 October, 2006

Now what

Now what is going to happen in my life? Men that want to date suck!!! Ok in case you haven't heard the guy I was seeing dumped me a**hole!! Now I made a fool of myself on Sunday (sorry to all who saw it) But I got a crush now but don't want to use it as a fall back.... But wait I am not I only dated this guy for just under two months so he isn't nevermind just rambling. N E Ways I possabily found a new job yeah for me

but I don't know is liking someone who you thinks likes you back (hey he talked to me everyday since Sunday) but not wanting to get hurt again. He helped me out on Sunday and calmed me down and I told him a lot on Sunday stuff that I don't rember why I told him but I just let it all come out but on the other hand he got me out of a really really bad mood ( I don't think I have ever cried that much I the last few years excluding my grandpas death) I just don't know what to think or how to not to be so trusting in people because that is my downfall I think I just trust people to much..... ehhh just on a rant stb bring me a pic of this lady please so I can get my outfit.

12 October, 2006

now what ?

i have no idea what to do ..... i want to stay at big mamas but i also need to find sometime for me to do during the week now should i go back to bartending or sholud i try something new. ok what in green earth is a godliva girl? any who this is going to be a short lived blog i will wright more in a couple of days


07 October, 2006

Yeah for me ....

So you all know blah j/k I am really happy that the friends I have are around and have become my friends

thanks djw for giving me a smile last night
stb where the hell were you last night?

I got a ? For you people what should I be for all hollows eve?
A) school girl
B) kitty cat
C) other..._________(please fill in )

See you all later
(driving threw Upper mich squeaks is riding in style)

05 October, 2006

Well now......

Ok now I have to make a comment to someone that reads my site and commented to me back .....

I do take some blame (like 25%) Now let me see if I got this right you are willing to help out a good friends WIFE but not you own ( at the time) girlfriend. Now you are finding a new job , moving out and doing what you should have done about six month's ago but you didn't you gave me a reason to move and leave you!

To all who have not heard about my new guy.... I hope this is not another one of those short term relationships I really like him a lot he treats me like no other guy has (except you djw and stb) he gives me respect and makes me not have a nervous break down when I get lost on 94 w (if you want to know the whole story just ask) He calms me down so much that I don't even think about what is going wrong anymore. But like he told me I can't use him as a crutch which I don't intend to. I do need him to a point but on the other hand I know now that I can do this myself.

Enough of me ranting now I will be conbobling later......